200 years of not knowing who we are as a region.

Digital Identities Test that collects the perceptions of Central American citizens on issues of political, social, and economic relevance, seeking to better visualize the current ideological panorama of the isthmus.



  1. Facilitate greater agreement and viability between the visions of the region and the proposals for regional action that are suggested to address the challenges and opportunities of an integrated Central America.

  2. We built a data capture instrument based on gamification, making this a fun but functional experience, allowing us to capture a large sample of individuals with little budget.

  3. The entire digital experience was designed with the conversion funnel in mind, allowing the use of digital marketing methodologies for the benefit of the massification of the test at the regional level.

  4. The experience was tropicalized to be consistent with the entire region, not just Costa Rica. This involved conversations and validation with people from all over Central America.

My role

Lead UX  Researcher, UX/UI Designer, Art Direction, and Digital Product Strategist.

  • Planning and definition of the strategy for the project workflow.

  • Research process in the initial stages of exploration and also in the final stages of testing and validation with remote users around the region.

  • Facilitation of co-creation spaces inside the organization.

  • Direction and co-Design of UX / UI.

  • Semantic conceptual exploration and Art Direction.

  • Working with professional statistics on the construction of a digital experience based on the desire outcomes they require for later research.


In collaboration with

Programa Estado de la Nación (PEN): content generation and design of the statistical method of identity test.

Dint Digital Agency: Beatriz Paniagua as Project Manager and Adriana Jimenez as Senior Graphic Designer.

Colectivo Libre: Carmen Ramírez UX / UI Designer, co-facilitation of consultations with users.

Historical importance

  • The year 2021 marks the 200th anniversary of the independence of Central American countries from the Kingdom of Spain.

  • 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Central American Integration System (SICA).

  • 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of the State of the Region and its research and monitoring activities on sustainable human development and regional integration in Central America.


Choosing a school is (not) easy


My superpower is that I believe we can do better.