Building a better future through little games… and a lot of data.
Dcifra, A digital tool to educate people about their neighborhood, helping them make a strategic opinion about their mayor election, through data collection, data visualization, and an idea-sharing board.

Give people context about their community and the reality we live day by day through data visualization of unpublished historical information about their canton.
Give the citizens perspective about how much they really know about their communities giving them a platform for discussion and social participation.
Change people’s perception of political, economic, and social issues through gamification and entertaining experiences.
Gather data about citizen’s perceptions, challenges, and ideas about the development with the purpose of specifying each community’s challenges.
Data collected should be used later by organizations to help make better decisions about governing.
My role
Lead UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer, and Art direction.
Planning and definition of the strategy for the project workflow.
Research process in the initial stages of exploration and also in the final stages of testing and validation with remote users around the region.
Facilitation of co-creation spaces inside the organization.
Direction and co-Design of UX / UI.
Semantic conceptual exploration and Art Direction.
Working with researchers and data scientists in generating content and data associated with the digital tools we made.
In collaboration with
Programa Estado Nación (PEN): Database collection, Cantonal data visualization, Development, and QA.
Dint Digital Agency: Project management.
Colectivo Libre: Carmen Ramírez UX/UI design, and support in the co-creation workshops.