Reaping solutions from mind fields

Participatory consultation with the Education and Administrative Boards of Costa Rica seeking to better understand administrative management in educational centers and the specificity of resources and needs that exist in their local environment.



  1. A better understanding of the Boards and their current management. A feel on what their current reality is.

  2. Learn how the members of Juntas visualize their ideal educational community.

  3. Put the Boards in direct contact with the MEP in a collaborative and empathetic space that stimulates conversation and the creation of new ideas.

  4. Purpose of the information to be obtained: to establish the necessary conditions for the administrative management of educational centers to promote and support a better quality of public education in Costa Rica.

My role

Lead Researcher and Facilitator.

  • Design of the people-centered research strategy.

  • Co-design of the participatory consultation method.

  • Training of team facilitators and note tackers.

  • Facilitators’ guidance and consultation supervision during the event.

  • Design the thematic qualitative synthesis methodology and guide the group synthesis process.

  • Presentation of results to MEP.


In collaboration with

Astrid Acuña: a member of the Fundación Gente team with whom I worked hand in hand throughout the synthesis process, whose expertise and experience on the subject were of great value in achieving the objective of the consultation.

Fundación Gente: leaders and managers of the project. In charge of the logistics of the consultation.

Ministry of Education: convocation and transport of 100 representatives of the boards all around CR, institutional partners, and host of the citizen participation event.


Building a better future through little games… and a lot of data.


Knowledge is Power, Power is Action.