Welcome to Big Data, I’ll be your guide.

People-centered redesign of the Programa Estado de la Nación website. Designing better data access for the least expert in a world of experts.



  1. There was a lot of information that was difficult to access, the focus then was to give order to the structure and navigation of the contents, an MVP that will allow future optimizations.

  2. We tropicalized the terms and associate the content with categories validated by people of all levels of expertise, allowing access to people with a minimum of data management but at the same time not truncating the demands of the most expert users.

  3. We linked the content with each other, allowing them to explore and deepen at different levels of expertise and complexity all the data that the platform has to offer.

  4. We generated the bases for a Design System seeking to optimize subsequent optimizations and new digital products.

  5. Concepts and practices of design thinking within the organization were trained and introduced, setting precedents for future projects, specifically on the involvement of less expert users in the process.

My role

Lead UX  Researcher, UX/UI Designer, and Digital Product Strategist. 

  • Planning and definition of the strategy for the project workflow.

  • Research process in the initial stages of exploration and also in the final stages of testing and validation with remote users around the region.

  • Facilitation of co-creation spaces inside the organization.

  • Direction and co-Design of UX / UI.

  • Semantic conceptual exploration and Art Direction.

  • Working with researchers and data scientists in generating content and data associated with the digital tools we made.


In collaboration with

Programa Estado de la Nación (PEN): content generation and website owners.

Dint Digital Agency: Project management.

Colectivo Libre: Carmen Ramírez UX / UI Designer, co-facilitation of consultations with users.


Knowledge is Power, Power is Action.
